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Vwap Methods

The Vwap type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(Double, Double)
Add data (trade price and volume) to indicator. Note: Do Not use methods with and without DateTime for same instance. Also do not call this method for indicators which need datetime for calculation it's value. To determine do you need to specify DateTime, see IndicatorNeedDateTime flag.
(Inherited from BaseTickIndicator<T>.)
Public methodAdd(Double, Double, DateTime)
Add data (trade price, volume and DateTime) to indicator. Note: Do Not use methods with and without DateTime for same instance. Note: if you specify time = DefaultTime then method ignore this parameter and call add with out time. To determine do you need to specify DateTime, see IndicatorNeedDateTime flag.
(Inherited from BaseTickIndicator<T>.)
Public methodClone
Makes full copy of this instance.
(Inherited from BaseIndicator<T>.)
Public methodCopyTo(Object)
Sets internal state to destination object.
(Inherited from BaseIndicator<T>.)
Public methodCopyTo(Object, IL_Clone)
Gets internal state from source object.
(Inherited from BaseIndicator<T>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIndexByTime
Get offset index of element by element time. If there no element with such time, we return latest element with time smaller than specified. If we can't find valid index, we return -1.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueue<T>.)
Public methodGetTimeByIndex
Return time associated with specified point.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueue<T>.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOfflineComputation(Double[],Double[],Double[])
Performs offline computation using all data for period simultaneously. In some cases can be faster and/or use less memory than online (step-by-step) computation. Note: Indicator cannot be used before and after calling this method.
(Overrides BaseTickIndicator<T>.OfflineComputation(Double[],Double[],T[]).)
Public methodOfflineComputation(Double[],Double[],DateTime[],Double[])
Performs offline computation using all data for period simultaneously. In some cases can be faster and/or use less memory than online (step-by-step) computation. Note: Indicator cannot be used before and after calling this method.
(Overrides BaseTickIndicator<T>.OfflineComputation(Double[],Double[],DateTime[],T[]).)
Public methodSetOnPopDelegate
Set delegate that will be invoked every time a new element is dequeued.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueue<T>.)
Public methodSetOnPushDelegate
Set delegate that will be invoked every time a new element is enqueued.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueue<T>.)
Public methodSetQueueListener
Set listener to queue capacity. Queue will call OnPop method every time, when queue drop some element. And OnPush method, when queue store element. Do not use listener with single element queue. Queue support any number of listeners.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueue<T>.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also