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TickAggregationType Enumeration

Indicates how tick portfolio indicator need data to be aggregated.

Namespace:  FinAnalysis.Base
Assembly:  FinAnalysis.Base (in FinAnalysis.Base.dll) Version: 2.1.13-cc97e13414b71fde928e8f3a546ac1daf26f295f
public enum TickAggregationType
  Member nameValueDescription
AggregateLast0 Just store last incoming trade price. Summarize all volumes.
AggregateAverage1 Store average of all incoming trade prices on period. Summarize all volumes.
AggregateMin2 Store minimum of all incoming trade prices on period. Summarize all volumes.
AggregateMax3 Store maximum of all incoming trade prices on period. Summarize all volumes.
AggregateNone4 Do not aggregate. Just call update as soon as tick coming.
See Also