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SimpleDataQueueManualUpdateFactor Property

Update factor on statistics calculation in high precision mode in queue ManualControl mode operation. Every PutLast, PutFirst, RemoveLast, RemoveFirst operation is counted (as manualCount variable in next equation). When manualCount become greater then queue.Count * ManualUpdateFactor the statistics data are recalculated by the raw data. For example suppose ManualUpdateFactor if equal 3. First of all you have put 100 elements in queue. Than you have removed 50 elements from the queue. So the manualCount = 100 + 50, and queue.Count = 50. So on the next remove operation the manualCount becomes greater than queue.Count * ManualUpdateFactor and statistics will be recalculated.

Namespace:  FinAnalysis.Base
Assembly:  FinAnalysis (in FinAnalysis.dll) Version: 2.1.13-cc97e13414b71fde928e8f3a546ac1daf26f295f
public int ManualUpdateFactor { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Int32
See Also