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TimeSeriesDataQueueT Properties

The TimeSeriesDataQueueT generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapacity
Set or Get queue capacity (number of elements it can store) or size of sliding window if it is AutoStatic queue. Note: if for non time period auto queue, you specify capacity equal to one then queue switch to SingleElement mode. Note: if for non time period auto queue, you specify capacity not equal to one then queue switch to AutoStatic mode.
Public propertyCount
Get the number of elements stored in container.
Public propertyFirst
Get first(oldest) data element stored in container. Note: if there is not elements in queue it returns DefaltValue.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueueT.)
Public propertyFirstDateTime
Get first(oldest) data element DateTime stored in container. Note: if there is not elements in queue it returns DefaltDateTime.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueueT.)
Public propertyInitialized
This flag is set if and only if queue has already initialized (you already add something to it). Note: you don't have to change Period or Capacity if queue already initialized.
Public propertyItemDateTime
Return historically latest element with smaller or equal DateTime. Note: do not try to use this method if you didn't specify DateTime to data elements.
Public propertyItemInt32
Get data which was store "index" steps ago.
Public propertyLast
Get last data element stored in container. Note: if there is not elements in queue it returns DefaltValue.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueueT.)
Public propertyLastDateTime
Get last data element DateTime stored in container. Note: if there is no elements in the queue it returns DefaultDateTime.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueueT.)
Public propertyNeedDateTime
This flag is set if and only if queue need DateTime to be specified for data elements, which you intend to add.
Public propertyPeriod
Set or Get time period, how long container will save elements (For AutoDynamic queue). Note: As soon as you specify Time Period queue switch to Auto Dynamic mode.
Public propertyPrevious
Get previous data element stored in container. Note: if there is such not elements in queue it returns DefaltValue.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueueT.)
Public propertyReady
Ready flag is set if and only if queue contain something.
(Inherited from HistoryDataQueueT.)
Public propertyType
Return type of queue: SingleElement: Queue store only one single element. (Useful as default method for indicators history storing) ManualControl: Support all typical operations specific to Dequeue. (Useful for some custom work). AutoStatic: Store all elements in sliding window specified by number elements to store. Automatically drop element when it out of the window. AutoDynamic: Store all elements in sliding window specified by time period. Automatically drop element when it out of the window.
See Also