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FinAnalysis.Transformations Namespace

The FinAnalysis.Transformations namespace contains classes for resampling.
Public classBarResampling
Represents a resampling transformation for Bar Indicators (like Atr).
Public classBaseMathBarTransformation
Transformation for math function double(double) for bar signal object
Public classBaseMathSimpleTransformation
Transformation for math function double(double) for simple signal object
Public classIndicatorBarTransformation
Transformation using bar indicator
Public classIndicatorSimpleTransformation
Transformation using simple indicator
Public classNOrderMathBarTransformation
Transformation for math function double(double,double) for bar signal object
Public classNOrderMathSimpleTransformation
Transformation for math function double(double) for simple signal object
Public classSimpleResampling
Represents a resampling transformation for Simple Indicators (like Sma).
Public classTickResampling
Represents a resampling transformation for Tick Indicators (like Vwap).
Public classTransformationDefinition
Contains definition for particular transformation
Public classTransformationsRegistry
Responsible for registering and transformations creation
Public classTwoSeriesResampling
Represents a resampling transformation for Two Series Indicators (like Mcc).
Public delegateBarTransformationCreator
Delegate for creation of bar transformation
Public delegateBaseMathFunction
Base math function type: f = f(double)
Public delegateNOrderFunction
Base math function type: f = f(double...)
Public delegateSimpleTransformationCreator
Delegate for creation of simple transformation
Public delegateTickTransformationCreator
Delegate for creation of tick transformation
Public delegateTwoSeriesTransformationCreator
Delegate for creation of two series transformation