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FinAnalysis.Predicates Namespace

The FinAnalysis.Listeners namespace contains classes for predicates.
Public classBarClose
Returns closing price of the bar.
Public classBarHigh
Returns highest price of the bar.
Public classBarLow
Returns lowest price of the bar.
Public classBarOpen
Returns opening price of the bar.
Public classBarVolume
Returns volume of the bar.
Public classConstant
Returns constant value.
Public classCount
Calculates number of times the signal was generated during the given period.
Public classDifference
Calculates difference of two series.
Public classDistance
Calculates distance between two series.
Public classIsAbove
Generates signal when the first line is above the second line during the given period.
Public classIsApproachingAbove
Generates signal when time series is approaching from above to the given level.
Public classIsApproachingBelow
Generates signal when time series is approaching from below to the given level.
Public classIsBelow
Generates signal when the first line is below the second line during the given period.
Public classIsConverging
Generates singal when distance between two series is decreasing.
Public classIsCrossDown
Generates singal when the first line intersects the second line from up to down
Public classIsCrossUp
Generates singal when the first line intersects the second line from down to up.
Public classIsDecreasing
IsDecreasing predicate.
Public classIsDiverging
Generates singal when distance between two series is increasing.
Public classIsDropped
Generates signal the value dropped by given amount of percents during the period.
Public classIsEqual
Generates a signal when the values of two given time series are equal with given precision during the given interval.
Public classIsGained
Generates signal the value gained by given amount of percents during the period.
Public classIsGreater
IsGreater predicate.
Public classIsIncreasing
IsIncreasing predicate.
Public classIsInInterval
IsInInterval predicate.
Public classIsLess
IsLess predicate.
Public classIsNear
Generates signal when relative distance between two lines are smaller than given level (default : 2%).
Public classIsNewHigh
Generates signal when the maximum value is achieved on the short period.
Public classIsNewLow
Generates signal when the minimum value is achieved on the short period.
Public classIsTime
Generates signal when current time satisfies the given condition.
Public classLogicalAnd
Logical AND.
Public classLogicalAndNot
Logical AND NOT.
Public classLogicalNot
Logical NOT.
Public classLogicalOr
Logical OR.
Public classLogicalOrNot
Logical OR NOT.
Public classLogicalXor
Logical XOR (exclusive OR).
Public classLogicalXorNot
Logical XOR NOT (exclusive OR with negation second argument).
Public classLogReturn
Computes logarithmic rate of return.
Public classProduct
Calculates product of two series.
Public classRatio
Calculates quotient of two series.
Public classReturn
Computes arithmetic rate of return.
Public classSum
Calculates sum of two series.
Public classWeightedSum
Calculates weighted sum of two series.