Vector Methods |
The Vector type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Add(Double) |
Adds the given scalar to the vector and returns the result.
| |
Add(Vector) |
Adds the given vector to this one and returns the result.
| |
Add(Double, Vector) |
Adds the given scalar to the vector and writes the result
to another one.
| |
Add(Vector, Vector) |
Adds the given vector to this vector and writes the result to
another one.
| |
AddInPlace(Double) |
Adds the given scalar to the vector.
| |
AddInPlace(Vector) |
Adds the given vector to this vector.
| |
AddRange |
Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the Vector.
| |
AddScaledVector(Double, Vector) |
Computes the sum of this vector and another vector multiplied by
the given scalar and returns the result.
| |
AddScaledVector(Double, Vector, Vector) |
Computes the sum of this vector and another vector multiplied by
the given scalar and writes the result into the given vector.
| |
AddScaledVectorInPlace |
Adds another vector multiplied by given scalar to this one.
| |
Assign(Double) |
Sets all elements of the vector to the given value. This is the same as SetValues() call.
| |
Assign(Double) |
Sets elements of this vector. This is the same as SetValues() call.
| |
Clear |
Sets all elements of this vector to zero.
| |
Clone |
Creates a copy of this Vector.
| |
Concatenate(Vector, Vector) |
Concatenates two given vectors.
| |
Concatenate(Vector, Vector, Vector) |
Concatenates two given vectors and writes the result to another
| |
Contains | Determines whether the ICollectionT contains a specific value. | |
CopyTo(Vector) |
Copies the content of this vector to another.
| |
CopyTo(Array, Int32) |
Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array,
starting at a particular Array index.
| |
CopyTo(Double, Int32) | Copies the elements of the ICollectionT to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. | |
CopyTo(Vector, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Copies part of this vector to another vector.
| |
DelayedClone |
Returns a mirror of this vector.
| |
Divide(Double) |
Divides this vector by the given scalar and returns the result.
| |
Divide(Double, Vector) |
Divides this vector by the given scalar and writes the result
into another one.
| |
DivideInPlace |
Divides this vector by the given scalar.
| |
DotProduct |
Computes the dot product of this vector with itself.
| |
DotProduct(Vector) |
Computes the dot product of this vector with another.
| |
DotProduct(Vector, Vector) |
Computes the dot product of two vectors.
| |
Equals(Object) |
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the
current Object.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).) | |
Equals(Vector) |
Indicates whether the current vector is equal to another.
| |
GeneralMatrixVectorMultiply |
Computes the matrix-vector product in general form. This method
corresponds to the GEMV routine from BLAS Level 2. It multiplies
this vector by scalar beta and adds product of
matrix A and vector x scaled
by scalar alpha | |
GetEnumerator |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
| |
GetHashCode |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.) | |
GetSubVector(Int32, Vector) |
Gets values of the subvector of this vector.
| |
GetSubVector(Int32, Int32) |
Gets values of the subvector of this vector.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetValues |
Returns the array of values of this vector.
| |
GetValues(Double) |
Writes the elements of this vector to supplied array.
| |
HasAbnormal |
Checks whether the vector contains abnormal numbers: NaN,
NegativeInfinity, or PositiveInfinity.
| |
HasInfinity |
Checks whether the vector contains NegativeInfinity or
| |
HasNaN |
Checks whether the vector contains NaN.
| |
HasNegativeInfinity |
Checks whether the vector contains NegativeInfinity.
| |
HasPositiveInfinity |
Checks whether the vector contains PositiveInfinity.
| |
IndexOf | Determines the index of a specific item in the IListT. | |
InfinityNorm |
Computes the infinity norm of the vector.
| |
Insert | Inserts an item to the IListT at the specified index. | |
InsertRange |
Inserts the elements of a collection into the Vector at the specified index.
| |
KroneckerProduct |
Computes the Kronecker product of two vectors.
Considers input vectors as 1-column matrices and returns vector size N-by-M which contains kronecker product.
| |
L1Norm |
Computes the L1 norm (Taxicab norm, Manhattan norm) of the vector.
| |
L2Norm |
Computes the L2 norm (Euclidean norm) of the vector.
| |
LeftSubtract(Double) |
Subtracts this vector from the given scalar and returns the result.
| |
LeftSubtract(Vector) |
Subtracts this vector form the given one and returns the result.
| |
LeftSubtract(Double, Vector) |
Subtracts this vector from the given scalar and writes the result
into another vector.
| |
LeftSubtract(Vector, Vector) |
Subtracts this vector form the given one and writes the result
into another vector.
| |
LeftSubtractInPlace(Double) |
Subtracts this vector from the given scalar.
| |
LeftSubtractInPlace(Vector) |
Subtracts this vector from the given one.
| |
Load |
Loads Vector from CSV file.
| |
Minus |
Returns the negated copy of itself.
| |
Minus(Vector) |
Writes the negated copy of itself into another vector.
| |
MinusInPlace |
Negates this vector.
| |
Multiply(Double) |
Multiplies this vector by the given scalar and returns the result.
| |
Multiply(Double, Vector) |
Multiplies this vector by the given scalar and writes the result
into another one.
| |
MultiplyInPlace |
Multiplies this vector by given scalar.
| |
Negate |
Negates all elements of this vector.
| |
Norm |
Compute the L1, L2 or infinity norm of the vector.
| |
Normalize |
Divides the each element of the vector onto the norm.
| |
Permute |
Permutes elements of the vector.
| |
Plus |
Returns the copy of this vector.
| |
Plus(Vector) |
Copies this vector into another one.
| |
PlusInPlace |
Does nothing.
| |
PNorm |
Computes the p-norm of the vector.
| |
PointwiseAdd(Double) |
Adds the given scalar to each element of the vector and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseAdd(Vector) |
Adds each element of the given vector to the corresponding element
of this one and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseAdd(Double, Vector) |
Adds the given scalar to each element of the vector
and stores result in another one.
| |
PointwiseAdd(Vector, Vector) |
Adds each element of the vector to the corresponding element
of this one and stores the result in another vector.
| |
PointwiseAddInPlace(Double) |
Adds the given scalar to each element of the vector.
| |
PointwiseAddInPlace(Vector) |
Adds each element of the vector to corresponding element
of this one.
| |
PointwiseDivide(Double) |
Divides each element of the vector by the given scalar and
returns the result.
| |
PointwiseDivide(Vector) |
Divides each element of this vector by corresponding element
of another one and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseDivide(Double, Vector) |
Divides each element of the vector by the given scalar
and stores result in another one.
| |
PointwiseDivide(Vector, Vector) |
Divides each element of this vector by corresponding element
of another one and stores the result in another vector.
| |
PointwiseDivideInPlace(Double) |
Divides each element of the vector by the given scalar.
| |
PointwiseDivideInPlace(Vector) |
Divides each element of this vector by corresponding element
of another one.
| |
PointwiseLeftDivide(Double) |
Divides given scalar by each element of the vector and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseLeftDivide(Vector) |
Divides each element of another vector by the corresponding
element of this one and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseLeftDivide(Double, Vector) |
Divides given scalar by each element of the vector
and stores result in another one.
| |
PointwiseLeftDivide(Vector, Vector) |
Divides each element of another vector by the corresponding
element of this one and stores the result in another vector.
| |
PointwiseLeftDivideInPlace(Double) |
Divides given scalar by each element of the vector.
| |
PointwiseLeftDivideInPlace(Vector) |
Divides each element of another vector by the corresponding
element of this one.
| |
PointwiseLeftSubtract(Double) |
Subtracts the each element of the vector from the given scalar and
returns the result.
| |
PointwiseLeftSubtract(Vector) |
Subtracts each element of this vector from the corresponding
element of another one and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseLeftSubtract(Double, Vector) |
Subtracts the each element of the vector from the given
scalar and stores result in another one.
| |
PointwiseLeftSubtract(Vector, Vector) |
Subtracts each element of this vector from the corresponding
element of another one and stores the result in another vector.
| |
PointwiseLeftSubtractInPlace(Double) |
Subtracts the each element of the vector from the given scalar.
| |
PointwiseLeftSubtractInPlace(Vector) |
Subtracts each element of this vector from the corresponding
element of another one.
| |
PointwiseMultiply(Double) |
Multiplies each element of the vector by the given scalar and
returns the result.
| |
PointwiseMultiply(Vector) |
Multiplies each element of this vector by corresponding element
of another one and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseMultiply(Double, Vector) |
Multiplies each element of the vector by the given
scalar and stores result in another one.
| |
PointwiseMultiply(Vector, Vector) |
Multiplies each element of this vector by corresponding element
of another one and stores result in another vector.
| |
PointwiseMultiplyInPlace(Double) |
Multiplies each element of the vector by the given scalar.
| |
PointwiseMultiplyInPlace(Vector) |
Multiplies each element of this vector by corresponding element
of another one.
| |
PointwiseSubtract(Double) |
Subtracts the given scalar from each element of the vector and
returns the result.
| |
PointwiseSubtract(Vector) |
Subtracts each element of the vector from the corresponding
element of this one and returns the result.
| |
PointwiseSubtract(Double, Vector) |
Subtracts the given scalar from each element of the
vector and stores result in another one.
| |
PointwiseSubtract(Vector, Vector) |
Subtracts each element of the vector from the corresponding
element of this one and stores result in another vector.
| |
PointwiseSubtractInPlace(Double) |
Subtracts the given scalar from each element of the vector.
| |
PointwiseSubtractInPlace(Vector) |
Subtracts each element of the vector from the corresponding
element of this one.
| |
Random(Int32) |
Creates the vector of given size with elements that are sampled
from the continuous uniform [0;1] distribution.
| |
Random(CVDistribution) |
Creates the vector that is a sample of given mutlivariate distribution.
| |
Random(Int32, CUDistribution) |
Creates the vector of given size with elements that are sampled
from the specified distribution.
| |
Random(Int32, RandomGenerator) |
Creates the vector of given size with elements uniformly
distributed in [0; 1].
| |
Random(Int32, Random) |
Creates the vector of given size with elements uniformly
distributed in [0; 1].
| |
Remove | Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the ICollectionT. | |
RemoveAll(Double) |
Removes all elements that equals specified value. The Double.NaN values are also supported and compared via Double.IsNaN.
| |
RemoveAll(PredicateDouble) |
Removes all elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.
| |
RemoveAt | Removes the IListT item at the specified index. | |
RemoveRange |
Removes a range of elements from the Vector.
| |
Save |
Saves Vector to CSV file.
| |
SetSubVector |
Sets values of the subvector of this vector.
| |
SetValues(Double) |
Sets all elements of the vector to the given value. This is the same as Assign() call.
| |
SetValues(Double) |
Sets elements of this vector. This is the same as Assign() call.
| |
Subtract(Double) |
Subtracts the given scalar to this vector and returns the result.
| |
Subtract(Vector) |
Subtracts the given vector from this one and returns the result.
| |
Subtract(Double, Vector) |
Subtracts the given scalar from this vector and writes the result
to another one.
| |
Subtract(Vector, Vector) |
Subtracts the given vector from this vector and writes the result
to another one.
| |
SubtractInPlace(Double) |
Subtracts the given scalar from this vector.
| |
SubtractInPlace(Vector) |
Subtracts the given vector from this vector.
| |
TensorProduct |
Computes the tensor product of this vector with itself.
| |
TensorProduct(Matrix) |
Computes the tensor product of this vector with itself and stores it in result matrix.
| |
TensorProduct(Vector) |
Computes the tensor product of current vector and specified vectors and store it in result matrix.
| |
TensorProduct(Vector, Matrix) |
Computes the tensor product of current vector and specified vectors and stores it in result matrix.
| |
TensorProduct(Vector, Vector) |
Computes the tensor product of two given vectors.
| |
TensorProduct(Vector, Vector, Matrix) |
Computes the tensor product of two given vectors.
| |
ToArray |
Returns an array filled with elements of this vector.
| |
ToColumnMatrix |
Returns the matrix representation of this vector as column vector.
| |
ToRowMatrix |
Returns the matrix representation of this vector as row vector.
| |
ToString |
Returns a String that represents the current Vector.
(Overrides ObjectToString.) | |
ToString(IFormatProvider) |
Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
| |
ToString(String) |
Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
| |
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) |
Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
Name | Description | |
AbsoluteMaximum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumIndexDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumIndexOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMaximumOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumIndexDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumIndexOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
AbsoluteMinimumOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal absolute value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ArcCos | Overloaded.
Computes arccosine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcCos(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes arccosine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcCosh | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic arccosine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcCosh(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic arccosine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcCoshInPlace |
Computes hyperbolic arccosine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcCosInPlace |
Computes arccosine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcSin | Overloaded.
Computes arcsine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcSin(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes arcsine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcSinh | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic arcsine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcSinh(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic arcsine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcSinhInPlace |
Computes hyperbolic arcsine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcSinInPlace |
Computes arcsine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcTan | Overloaded.
Computes arctangent of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcTan(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes arctangent of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcTanh | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic arctangent of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcTanh(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic arctangent of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcTanhInPlace |
Computes hyperbolic arctangent of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArcTanInPlace |
Computes arctangent of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ArithmeticMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the arithmetic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ArithmeticMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the arithmetic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ArithmeticMeanDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the arithmetic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ArithmeticMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the arithmetic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ArithmeticMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the arithmetic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ArithmeticMeanOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the arithmetic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Autocorrelogram(Int32, Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
AutocorrelogramDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
AutocorrelogramDouble(Int32, Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
AutocorrelogramDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
AutocorrelogramDouble(Int32, Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds autocorrelogram of specified size of container's values. Method will enumerate
all lags between zero and specified one inclusively.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CalculateMetric |
Calculate metric.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
Cbrt | Overloaded.
Computes cubic root of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Cbrt(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes cubic root of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
CbrtInPlace |
Computes cubic root of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Ceiling | Overloaded.
Computes rounding-up of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Ceiling(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes rounding-up of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
CeilingInPlace |
Computes rounding-up of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Center(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Centers values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Center(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Centers values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Center(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Centers values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Center(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Centers values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CoefficientOfVariation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the coefficient of variation of container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CoefficientOfVariation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the coefficient of variation of container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CoefficientOfVariationDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the coefficient of variation of container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CoefficientOfVariationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the coefficient of variation of container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CoefficientOfVariationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the coefficient of variation of container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CoefficientOfVariationOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the coefficient of variation of container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CopyData(IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Copy data from one container to another.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CopyData(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Copy data from one container to another.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CopyData(IListDouble, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Copy data from one container to another.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CopyData(Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Copy data from one container to another.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CopyDataDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Copy data from one container to another.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CopyDataDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Copy data from one container to another.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlation(IEnumerableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns correlation between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Correlation(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns correlation between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CorrelationDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns correlation between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CorrelationOrDefault(IEnumerableDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns correlation between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CorrelationOrDefault(Vector, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns correlation between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CorrelationOrDefaultDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns correlation between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Correlogram(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(Vector, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(Vector, Int32, Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(Vector, Int32, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Correlogram(Vector, Int32, Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CorrelogramDouble(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CorrelogramDouble(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CorrelogramDouble(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
CorrelogramDouble(IEnumerableDouble, Int32, Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Builds correlogram between values from containers. Method will enum all lags between -lag and +lag.
Be careful with result array size it must be at least lag * 2 + 1. The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Cos | Overloaded.
Computes cosine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Cos(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes cosine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Cosh | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic cosine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Cosh(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic cosine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
CoshInPlace |
Computes hyperbolic cosine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
CosineSimilarity |
Cosine Similarity Distance between two objects.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
CosInPlace |
Computes cosine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Count(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the number of elements in the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Count(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the number of elements in the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CountDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the number of elements in the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CountOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the number of elements in the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CountOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the number of elements in the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CountOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the number of elements in the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Covariance(IEnumerableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Covariance(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceOrDefault(IEnumerableDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceOrDefault(Vector, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceOrDefaultDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovariancePopulation(IEnumerableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovariancePopulation(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovariancePopulationDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovariancePopulationOrDefault(IEnumerableDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovariancePopulationOrDefault(Vector, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovariancePopulationOrDefaultDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns population covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceSample(IEnumerableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns sample covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceSample(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns sample covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceSampleDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns sample covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceSampleOrDefault(IEnumerableDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns sample covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceSampleOrDefault(Vector, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns sample covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CovarianceSampleOrDefaultDouble(IEnumerableDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns sample covariance between values in containers.
The containers must have the same size.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CumulativeDistribution(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Estimates the value cumulative distribution function.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CumulativeDistribution(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Estimates the value cumulative distribution function.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CumulativeDistributionDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Estimates the value cumulative distribution function.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CumulativeDistributionOrDefault(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Estimates the value cumulative distribution function.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CumulativeDistributionOrDefault(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Estimates the value cumulative distribution function.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
CumulativeDistributionOrDefaultDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Estimates the value cumulative distribution function.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
EnsureBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureRightBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureRightBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureRightBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
EnsureRightBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Erf | Overloaded.
Computes error function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Erf(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes error function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Erfc | Overloaded.
Computes complementary error function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Erfc(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes complementary error function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfcInPlace |
Computes complementary error function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfcInv | Overloaded.
Computes inverse complementary error function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfcInv(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes inverse complementary error function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfcInvInPlace |
Computes inverse complementary error function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfInPlace |
Computes error function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfInv | Overloaded.
Computes inverse error function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfInv(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes inverse error function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ErfInvInPlace |
Computes inverse error function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
EuclideanDistance |
Euclidean Distance between two objects,
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
Exp | Overloaded.
Computes exponential of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Exp(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes exponential of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ExpInPlace |
Computes exponential of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
FirstRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the first raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FirstRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the first raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FirstRawMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the first raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FirstRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the first raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FirstRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the first raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FirstRawMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the first raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Floor | Overloaded.
Computes rounding-down of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Floor(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes rounding-down of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
FloorInPlace |
Computes rounding-down of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
FourthCentralMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthCentralMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthCentralMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthCentralMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthCentralMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthCentralMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthRawMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
FourthRawMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the fourth raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Gamma | Overloaded.
Computes gamma function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Gamma(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes gamma function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
GammaInPlace |
Computes gamma function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
GammaLn | Overloaded.
Computes log gamma function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
GammaLn(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes log gamma function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
GammaLnInPlace |
Computes log gamma function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
GeometricMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the geometric mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GeometricMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the geometric mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GeometricMeanDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the geometric mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GeometricMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the geometric mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GeometricMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the geometric mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GeometricMeanOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the geometric mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottom(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottom(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottom(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottom(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomDouble(Int32, DescriptiveStatisticsBaseGetRankDelegateDouble) | Overloaded.
Returns given amount of objects with biggest values gotten from specified delegate.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsBase.) | |
GetBottomDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomIndices(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomIndices(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomIndices(Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomIndices(Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetBottomIndicesDouble(Double, Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of largest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetCentered(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(IListDouble, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCentered(Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCenteredDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCenteredDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCenteredDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetCenteredDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores centered copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, IListDouble, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundaries(Double, Double, Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundariesDouble(Double, Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundariesDouble(Double, Double, IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundariesDouble(Double, Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredBoundariesDouble(Double, Double, IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection.
Values below leftBoundary will be replaced with leftBoundary value.
Values above rightBoundary will be replaced with rightBoundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, IListDouble, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundary(Double, Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundaryDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundaryDouble(Double, IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundaryDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredLeftBoundaryDouble(Double, IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values below boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, IListDouble, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundary(Double, Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundaryDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundaryDouble(Double, IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundaryDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetEnsuredRightBoundaryDouble(Double, IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(Vector, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(IListDouble, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardized(Vector, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardizedDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardizedDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardizedDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetStandardizedDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Stores standardized copy of the given collection into another one.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
GetTop(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTop(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTop(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTop(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopDouble(Int32, DescriptiveStatisticsBaseGetRankDelegateDouble) | Overloaded.
Returns given amount of objects with smallest values gotten from specified delegate.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsBase.) | |
GetTopDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopIndices(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopIndices(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopIndices(Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopIndices(Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
GetTopIndicesDouble(Double, Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns given number of smallest values from the container.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
HammingMetric |
Hamming Distance between two objects.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
HarmonicMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the harmonic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
HarmonicMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the harmonic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
HarmonicMeanDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the harmonic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
HarmonicMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the harmonic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
HarmonicMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the harmonic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
HarmonicMeanOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the harmonic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
InfinityDistance |
Maximum Distance between two objects.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
Inv | Overloaded.
Computes inversion of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Inv(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes inversion of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvCbrt | Overloaded.
Computes inverse cubic root of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvCbrt(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes inverse cubic root of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvCbrtInPlace |
Computes inverse cubic root of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvInPlace |
Computes inversion of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvSqrt | Overloaded.
Computes inverse square root of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvSqrt(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes inverse square root of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
InvSqrtInPlace |
Computes inverse square root of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Kurtosis(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the excess kurtosis of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Kurtosis(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the excess kurtosis of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
KurtosisDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the excess kurtosis of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
KurtosisOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the excess kurtosis of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
KurtosisOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the excess kurtosis of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
KurtosisOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the excess kurtosis of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Largest(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
Largest(IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
Largest(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble, TResult(Double, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble, TResult(IListDouble, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestDouble, TResult(Int32, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndices(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndices(Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndices(IListDouble, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Decimal, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Decimal, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int32, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int32, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int64, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int64, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt32, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt32, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt64, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt64, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Single, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Single, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble, TResult(Int32, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble, TResult(Double, FuncDouble, TResult, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
LargestIndicesDouble, TResult(IListDouble, FuncDouble, TResult, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns largest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
Log | Overloaded.
Computes natural logarithm of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Log(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes natural logarithm of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
LogInPlace |
Computes natural logarithm of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ManhattanDistance |
Manhattan Distance between two objects.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
MantegnaMetric |
Mantegna Metric between two objects.
Mantegna - Metric which convert correlation into distance.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
Maximum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Maximum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumIndexDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumIndexOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MaximumOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the maximal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Mean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Mean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MeanDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MeanOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Median(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the median of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Median(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the median of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MedianDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the median of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MedianOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the median of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MedianOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the median of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MedianOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the median of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Midrange(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the midrange of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Midrange(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the midrange of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MidrangeDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the midrange of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MidrangeOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the midrange of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MidrangeOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the midrange of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MidrangeOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the midrange of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Minimum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Minimum(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumIndex(Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumIndexDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumIndexOrDefault(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumIndexOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the index of the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumMaximum(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the minimum, maximum, range and midrange statistics of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumMaximum(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the minimum, maximum, range and midrange statistics of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumMaximumDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the minimum, maximum, range and midrange statistics of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumMaximumOrDefault(DescriptiveStatisticsMinimumMaximumValuesDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the minimum, maximum, range and midrange statistics of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumMaximumOrDefault(DescriptiveStatisticsMinimumMaximumValuesDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the minimum, maximum, range and midrange statistics of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumMaximumOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, DescriptiveStatisticsMinimumMaximumValuesDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the minimum, maximum, range and midrange statistics of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
MinimumOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded. Returns the minimal value in the given container. (Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
NormalCdf | Overloaded.
Computes normal cumulative distribution function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
NormalCdf(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes normal cumulative distribution function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
NormalCdfInPlace |
Computes normal cumulative distribution function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
NormalCdfInv | Overloaded.
Computes inverse normal cumulative distribution function of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
NormalCdfInv(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes inverse normal cumulative distribution function of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
NormalCdfInvInPlace |
Computes inverse normal cumulative distribution function of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
OrderStatistic(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns order statistic of specified rank from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
OrderStatistic(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns order statistic of specified rank from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
OrderStatisticDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns order statistic of specified rank from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
OrderStatisticOrDefault(Int32, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns order statistic of specified rank from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
OrderStatisticOrDefault(Int32, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns order statistic of specified rank from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
OrderStatisticOrDefaultDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns order statistic of specified rank from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Pow(Double) | Overloaded.
Raises each element of a vector to the constant power.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Pow(Double, Vector) | Overloaded.
Raises each element of a vector to the constant power.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
PowInPlace |
Raises each element of a vector to the constant power.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
QuadraticMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the quadratic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuadraticMean(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the quadratic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuadraticMeanDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the quadratic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuadraticMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the quadratic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuadraticMeanOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the quadratic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuadraticMeanOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the quadratic mean of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Quantile(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns quantile of specified level from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Quantile(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns quantile of specified level from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuantileDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns quantile of specified level from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuantileOrDefault(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns quantile of specified level from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuantileOrDefault(Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns quantile of specified level from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
QuantileOrDefaultDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns quantile of specified level from container's value.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
RandomPermutate(RandomGenerator) | Overloaded.
Performs random permutation values in collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsBase.) | |
RandomPermutateDouble(RandomGenerator) | Overloaded.
Performs random permutation values in collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsBase.) | |
RandomPermutateDouble(Int32, Int32, RandomGenerator) | Overloaded.
Performs random permutation values in collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsBase.) | |
Round | Overloaded.
Computes rounding nearest integer of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Round(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes rounding nearest integer of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
RoundInPlace |
Computes rounding nearest integer of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
SecondCentralMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondCentralMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondCentralMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondCentralMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondCentralMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondCentralMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondRawMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SecondRawMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the second raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Sin | Overloaded.
Computes sine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Sin(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes sine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Sinh | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic sine of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Sinh(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic sine of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
SinhInPlace |
Computes hyperbolic sine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
SinInPlace |
Computes sine of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Skewness(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the skewness of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Skewness(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the skewness of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SkewnessDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the skewness of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SkewnessOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the skewness of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SkewnessOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the skewness of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SkewnessOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the skewness of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Smallest(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
Smallest(IListDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
Smallest(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble, TResult(Double, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble, TResult(IListDouble, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestDouble, TResult(Int32, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndices(Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndices(Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndices(IListDouble, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Decimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Int64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableInt64) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Decimal, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Decimal, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, Single, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int32, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int32, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Int64, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Int64, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDecimal, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Int32, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt32, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt32, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableInt64, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableInt64, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Double, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Double, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, Single, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, Single, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableDouble, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(Double, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, Int32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble(IListDouble, FuncDouble, NullableSingle, IListInt32, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble, TResult(Int32, FuncDouble, TResult) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble, TResult(Double, FuncDouble, TResult, Int32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
SmallestIndicesDouble, TResult(IListDouble, FuncDouble, TResult, IListInt32) | Overloaded.
Returns smallest elements (total - count) using selector to receive as transform function.
(Defined by LargestSmallest.) | |
Sqr | Overloaded.
Computes second degree of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Sqr(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes second degree of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
SqrInPlace |
Computes second degree of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Sqrt | Overloaded.
Computes squares root of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Sqrt(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes squares root of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
SqrtInPlace |
Computes squares root of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
SquaredEuclideanDistance |
Squared Euclidean Distance between two objects.
It is just square of Euclidean distance.
(Defined by MetricsCalculator.) | |
StandardDeviation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationPopulation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationPopulation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationPopulationDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationPopulationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationPopulationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationPopulationOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationSample(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationSample(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationSampleDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationSampleOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationSampleOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
StandardDeviationSampleOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Standardize(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Standardizes the values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Standardize(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Standardizes the values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Standardize(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Standardizes the values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Standardize(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Standardizes the values in the given collection.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Sum(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Sum(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumMagnitudes(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of magnitudes of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumMagnitudes(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of magnitudes of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumMagnitudesDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of magnitudes of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumMagnitudesOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of magnitudes of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumMagnitudesOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of magnitudes of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumMagnitudesOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of magnitudes of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumSquares(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of squared values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumSquares(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of squared values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumSquaresDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of squared values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumSquaresOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of squared values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumSquaresOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of squared values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
SumSquaresOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sum of squared values in data set.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Tan | Overloaded.
Computes tangent of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Tan(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes tangent of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Tanh | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic tangent of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Tanh(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes hyperbolic tangent of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
TanhInPlace |
Computes hyperbolic tangent of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
TanInPlace |
Computes tangent of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
ThirdCentralMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdCentralMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdCentralMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdCentralMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdCentralMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdCentralMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third central moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdRawMoment(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdRawMomentDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdRawMomentOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ThirdRawMomentOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the third raw moment of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
ToArray(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Copies the elements of the IEnumerable to a new array.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
ToArray(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Copies the elements of the IEnumerable to a new array.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
ToArray(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Copies the elements of the IEnumerable to a new array.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
ToArray(Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Copies the elements of the IEnumerable to a new array.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
ToArrayDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Copies the elements of the IEnumerable to a new array.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
ToArrayDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean, Double) | Overloaded.
Copies the elements of the IEnumerable to a new array.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.) | |
Truncate | Overloaded.
Computes truncating of fractional part of vector elements.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Truncate(Vector) | Overloaded.
Computes truncating of fractional part of vector elements.
Result will be stored in result vector.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
TruncateInPlace |
Computes truncating of fractional part of vector elements.
And rewrite original vector with operation result.
(Defined by VectorMath.) | |
Variance(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
Variance(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VariancePopulation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VariancePopulation(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VariancePopulationDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VariancePopulationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VariancePopulationOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VariancePopulationOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the population variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceSample(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceSample(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceSampleDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceSampleOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceSampleOrDefault(Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) | |
VarianceSampleOrDefaultDouble(FuncDouble, Double, Double, Boolean) | Overloaded.
Returns the sample variance of the container's values.
(Defined by DescriptiveStatistics.) |