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Permutation Methods

The Permutation type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetInverse(IntegerArray)
Inverts the permutation.
Public methodStatic memberGetInverse(IntegerArray, IntegerArray)
Inverts the permutation.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidPermutation
Checks whether the given permutation is valid.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidTranspositions
Checks whether the given permutation encoded as the set of transpositions is valid.
Public methodStatic memberPermutationToTranspositions(IntegerArray)
Converts the permutation to the set of transpositions.
Public methodStatic memberPermutationToTranspositions(IntegerArray, IntegerArray)
Converts the permutation to the set of transpositions.
Public methodStatic memberRandom(Int32, RandomGenerator)
Generates random permutation.
Public methodStatic memberRandom(Int32, Random)
Generates random permutation.
Public methodStatic memberTranspositionsToPermutation(IntegerArray)
Converts the set of transpositions to the permutation.
Public methodStatic memberTranspositionsToPermutation(IntegerArray, IntegerArray)
Converts the set of transpositions to the permutation.
See Also