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DescriptiveStatisticsTransforms.GetEnsuredRightBoundary Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Decimal>, Decimal)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Int32>, Int32)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Int64>, Int64)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Decimal>>, Decimal)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int32>>, Int32)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int64>>, Int64)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Decimal>, Decimal, IList<Decimal>)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Double>, Double, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Int32>, Int32, IList<Double>)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Int64>, Int64, IList<Double>)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Decimal>>, Decimal, IList<Decimal>)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Decimal>>, Decimal, Decimal)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Double>>, Double, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int32>>, Int32, IList<Double>)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int32>>, Int32, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int64>>, Int64, IList<Double>)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int64>>, Int64, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Single>>, Single, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Single>, Single, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(Vector, Double, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Double>, Double, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Double>, Double, IList<Double>, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Decimal>>, Decimal, IList<Decimal>, Decimal)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Double>>, Double, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Double>>, Double, IList<Double>, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int32>>, Int32, IList<Double>, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Int64>>, Int64, IList<Double>, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Single>>, Single, Boolean, Single)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Single>>, Single, IList<Single>, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Single>, Single, Boolean, Single)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Single>, Single, IList<Single>, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Double, Func<TSource, Double>, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(Vector, Double, Vector, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(Vector, Double, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Double>, Double, IList<Double>, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Double>>, Double, IList<Double>, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Nullable<Single>>, Single, IList<Single>, Boolean, Single)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(IEnumerable<Single>, Single, IList<Single>, Boolean, Single)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Double, IList<Double>, Func<TSource, Double>, Boolean)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Double, Func<TSource, Double>, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary(Vector, Double, Vector, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnsuredRightBoundary<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Double, IList<Double>, Func<TSource, Double>, Boolean, Double)
Store copy of collection. Values above boundary will be replaced with boundary value.
See Also