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DescriptiveStatisticsMatrix.CholeskyWhite Method

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Public methodStatic memberCholeskyWhite(Matrix)
White series in specified data matrix. I.e. center apply linear transformation which intends to make covariance matrix unit. Columns corresponds to variables Rows corresponds to observations. This transformation use inversed Cholesky factor.
Public methodStatic memberCholeskyWhite(Matrix, Matrix)
White series in specified data matrix. Use user specified covariance matrix instead of actual calculation. I.e. center apply linear transformation which intends to make covariance matrix unit. Columns corresponds to variables Rows corresponds to observations. This transformation use inversed Cholesky factor.
Public methodStatic memberCholeskyWhite(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix)
White series in specified data matrix. Use user specified covariance matrix instead of actual calculation. I.e. center apply linear transformation which intends to make covariance matrix unit. Columns corresponds to variables Rows corresponds to observations. This transformation use inversed Cholesky factor.
See Also