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FinMath.MachineLearning.EvolutionaryAlgorithms Namespace

Public classBaseOptimizer
Basic class for some EvolutionaryAlgorithms optimizers.
Public classBaseOptimizerTerminationObjectiveChangeType
The objective change stop criterion.
Public classCMSA
Implements the CMSA. The algorithm is described in H.G.Beyer, B.Sendhoff (2008). Covariance Matrix Adaptation Revisited: The CMSA Evolution Strategy In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN X), pp. 123-132, LNCS, Springer-Verlag Also see
Public classCrossEntropy
This class implements the noisy cross entropy method as described in the following article. Christophe Thiery, Bruno Scherrer.Improvements on Learning Tetris with Cross Entropy. International Computer Games Association Journal, ICGA, 2009, 32. The algorithm aims to minimize an objective function through stochastic search. It works iteratively until a certain stopping criteria is met. At each iteration, it samples a number of vectors from a Gaussian distribution and evaluates each of these against the supplied objective function. Based on the return value from the objective function, a subset of the the best ranked vectors are chosen to update the search parameters of the next generation. The mean of the Gaussian distribution is set to the centroid of the best ranked vectors, and the variance is set to the variance of the best ranked vectors in each individual dimension.
Public classGeneticAlgorithmT
Algorithm logic class
Public classGridSearch
The Brute-force search algorithm on parameters grid.
Public classRandomSearch
The random points running over algorithm.
Public classRouletteSelectionT
Roulette selection chooses parents by simulating a roulette wheel, in which the area of the section of the wheel corresponding to an individual is proportional to the individual's scaled fitness. The algorithm uses a random number to select one of the sections with a probability equal to its area.
Public classSearchAlgorithm
The Search algorithm base class.
Public classSearchAlgorithmCategoricalFactor
The categorical factor class.
Public classSearchAlgorithmContinuousFactor
Continuous factor description class.
Public classSearchAlgorithmDiscreteFactor
The discrete continuous factor class.
Public classSelectionAlgorithmT
Interface for selection algorithm.
Public classSimplexDownhill
The Nelder-Mead Simplex Downhill Method is a deterministic direct search method. It is known to perform quite well in low dimensions, at least for local search.
Public classStochasticUniformSelectionT
Stochastic uniform lays out a line in which each parent corresponds to a section of the line of length proportional to its scaled value. The algorithm moves along the line in steps of equal size. At each step, the algorithm allocates a parent from the section it lands on.
Public classTournamentSelectionT
Tournament selection chooses each parent by choosing tournamentSize individual at random and then choosing the best individual out of that set to be a parent.
Public classUniformSelectionT
Uniform selection chooses each individual with equal probability.
Public classVDCMA
Implements the VD-CMA-ES Algorithm The VD-CMA-ES implements a restricted form of the CMA-ES where the covariance matrix is restricted to be (D+vv^T) where D is a diagonal matrix and v a single vector. Therefore this variant is capable of large-scale optimization For more reference, see the paper Akimoto, Y., A. Auger, and N. Hansen (2014). Comparison-Based Natural Gradient Optimization in High Dimension. To appear in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2014), Proceedings, ACM The implementation differs from the paper to be closer to the reference implementation and to have better numerical accuracy.
Public delegateBaseOptimizerObjectiveDelegateType
The delegate to the function that computes the value of the objective function.
Public delegateBaseOptimizerStopDelegateType
The delegate to the function that determines stopping criterion.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTCreationDelegateType
Creates a new individual.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTCrossoverOneChildDelegateType
Crossovers two individuals and produces one child.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTCrossoverTwoChildrenDelegateType
Crossovers two individuals and produces two children.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTEliteDelegateType
Elite delegate.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTExitConditionDelegateType
Exit condition delegate.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTMutationDelegateType
Mutates individual.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTObjectiveBlockDelegateType
Block processing objective delegate.
Public delegateGeneticAlgorithmTObjectiveDelegateType
Objective delegate. The optimization process try minimize objective value.
Public enumerationDirectSearchType
Type of direct search method.
Public enumerationFitnessScalingType
Type of fitness scaling used by selection
Public enumerationSelectionFunctionType
Selection probability function distribution type