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Implements the VD-CMA-ES Algorithm The VD-CMA-ES implements a restricted form of the CMA-ES where the covariance matrix is restricted to be (D+vv^T) where D is a diagonal matrix and v a single vector. Therefore this variant is capable of large-scale optimization For more reference, see the paper Akimoto, Y., A. Auger, and N. Hansen (2014). Comparison-Based Natural Gradient Optimization in High Dimension. To appear in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2014), Proceedings, ACM The implementation differs from the paper to be closer to the reference implementation and to have better numerical accuracy.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FinMath.MachineLearning.EvolutionaryAlgorithms
Assembly:  FinMath (in FinMath.dll) Version: 2.4.7-0a995bd0ea1854c2c868ec3f8dae606c5777e170
public class VDCMA : BaseOptimizer

The VDCMA type exposes the following members.

Public methodVDCMA
Initializes a new instance of the VDCMA class
Public propertyInitialSigma
Coordinate wise standard deviation (step size).
Public propertyLambda
Population size, offspring number. At least two, generally > 4.
Public propertyMinimizationSteps
Overall minimization steps number.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertyMu
Number of parents/points for recombination.
Public propertyParallelize
Use multiple threads to find objective function minimum.
Public propertyRestartCount
The minimization process restarts number.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertySolutionPoint
The best found solution point.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertySolutionStep
The step number where the best solution found.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertySolutionValue
The best found objective function value.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertyTerminationDelegate
The user's stop criterion function.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertyTerminationIterations
The maximum optimization iterations number.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertyTerminationObjectiveChange
Objective function change stop criterion. Null means no objective change termination conditions.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public propertyTerminationTimeout
The algorithm timeout: the execution will be interrupted on the next step after the timeout expiration.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizer.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOptimize
Minimization method.
(Overrides BaseOptimizer.Optimize(BaseOptimizer.ObjectiveDelegateType, Vector).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also