Univariate |
Univariate statistics implement methods for the following data types:
Array of Double values
Collection which implements IEnumerable<Double> interface
Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection.
Examples: List<Double>, SortedList<Double>, ArrayList<Double>
Collection which implements IEnumerable<Nullable<Double>> interface
Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of a nullable double type.
Examples: List<Nullable<Double>>, SortedList<Nullable<Double>>, ArrayList<Nullable<Double>>
In matrix (two-dimensional) case columns correspond to variables and rows correspond to observations, therefore in one-dimensional case we consider one variable observations. That is why this section of Discriptive Statistics is referred to as Univariate Descriptive Statistics.
Select one of the topics below to learn more about Univariate Descriptive Statistics.