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Hereinafter the following convention is used:

  • VSmall Greek – small Greek letters are used to denote scalars;

  • VSmall Latin – small Latin letters are used to denote vectors;

  • VCapital Latin – capital Latin letters are used to denote matrices.


Permutation of matrix columns/rows is specified by array of indices which denote the order of columns/rows in the resulting matrix. Note that indices start from 0.





Sets all elements of the matrix to zero.



Negates all elements of the matrix.


rank-1 update

Performs in-place rank-1 update of this matrix (adds scaled outer product of two vectors).

Given the matrix A, two vectors u and v, and a constant α the result will be:

the result will be:

MRank 1

methodRankOneUpdate(Double, Vector, Vector)

scale rows

Scales each row of the matrix by corresponding factor.

Given the matrix A and vector of factors b:

MMatrixMFactor Row

the result will be:

MFactor Row Result


scale columns

Scales each column of the matrix by corresponding factor.

Given the matrix A and vector of factors c:

MMatrixMFactor Col

the result will be:

MFactor Col Result


transposed multiply

Multiplies transposed matrix by given vector:

MTransp Mult Vector

Returning result:


Out of place:

methodTransposedMultiply(Vector, Vector)

Multiplies transposed matrix by another matrix:

MTransp Mult Matr

Returning result:


Out of place:

methodTransposedMultiply(Matrix, Matrix)

matrix-matrix product in general form

Computes the matrix-matrix product in general form. It multiplies this matrix C by scalar β and adds the product of matrices A and B scaled by α. User may specify whether the matrices A or B should be transposed before multiplicetion.

MGeneral Prod

methodGeneralMatrixMatrixMultiply(Double, Matrix, Boolean, Matrix, Boolean, Double)

See Also